What time of day is best to use an Ice Bath?

With cold water immersion (CWI), timing matters.

While ice baths can be invigorating, using them in the evening may not be ideal as they can stimulate adrenaline and raise core body temperature, which studies suggest affects sleep quality.

Our advised timing for CWI is in the morning. Ice bathing stimulates adrenaline and dopamine, which starts your day with increased alertness, focus, energy level and emotional regulation. 

Another time where ice baths may be beneficial is after a heavy exercise session or competition. Studies show ice baths as the most effective recovery tool, more than active recovery, contrast water therapy and warm-water immersion for almost all recovery outcomes. This is because it restores muscular power, muscular strength and reduces muscle spasm and inflammation. 

CWI after training is a great tool to add to the arsenal, however it is most important when faced with consecutive training/competition days, as if you have sufficient time to recover, allowing the body to accept inflammation and recover itself may provide more adaptation from the stress put upon it. 

Overall, ice baths are an essential tool in for sport performance, but also vital for general health, physical and mental.

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